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Users review: Star Trek. When someone speaks this name, various images, ideas, characters and words come to mind. I know for a fact to do with me. Characters like Kirk, Spock, Picard, Data, Janeway, Seven of Nine, ideas and general instructions;? Words like live long and Prosper, Good God, Jim, I'm not a doctor .. I would consider myself a Trekkie, but I have a real love for this series and world.To my great joy, I was lucky enough to see last night at the re-imaging of JJ Abrams Star Trek screening. I must admit I was skeptical about taking as characters iconic and omarbetas them, even in iterations is limited, because most people think that the characters Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, freedoms, Sulu and Chekov and administrators initially portrayed them . This planning is rooted in pop culture imagination of the world and so have my doubts went away. Fortunately, my fears were unnecessary.This your father Star Trek. From the moment the film begins, so does the action and never lets up. However, this film has the most incredible and intense action, also pays homage to the old series. Sure, they wanted our trip to the 21st century, but they also realized that they need to respect. The source material and the fans of the series that is already more than 40 years However, you do not know too much about Star Trek to enjoy this movie. Each character gets a background and history that lets you know a little something about each other. There is much in the original movie sounds and deftly handled by both authors and director.But, what really made the movie for me and the actors chosen for these roles, especially Chris Pine as Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock and Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy play, aka bones. This movie would not have worked as the casting of these three characters were not exactly right. Both Mr. Quinto and Urban uncannily focus their predecessors, Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley. They took some of their inflections, mannerisms and words really give you the impression that they are only offering limited nature. Chris Pine, however, take the opportunity to remember in the history of the trip and make it his own. This is not only a womanizer Kirk, partner, and captain you already know, but as a model and Mr. Pine has the swagger, confidence, intelligence, and a complete adrenaline junkie. We could not get a better Kirk in this movie.They asked laid a solid foundation for the new series, a new life, a full cast and a director with a vision of truth. If the first film, this could be good, my expectations have risen for more adventures exponentially.This is my first review on our website and as such, can be very good because I have no experience with writing reviews. I have deliberately not reveal plot points to something for everyone who reads spoil it. Me in the future for areas that can be revealing spoilers, but mark these sections so you can jump on them. Ill see Wolverine tomorrow and hope for a review by tomorrow night. Until we meet again, live long and prosper! |
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